February 29, 2008
Ben Micu, Jr. & Erwin Pangan
JEDDAH - Sphinx Shoto-kan Karate-do International with the initiative of Jun Loyola Sensei, SSKI Executive VP, held its meeting at the SSKI Xenel Balad Chapter gym last Feb. 22, 2008. Among the attendees were Romeo Rivero Sensei, SSKI-Middle East President, and various SSKI Chapter instructors and members along with the Guardians Brotherhood Inc. (GBI) headed by FGRF Edison "Jedi" Cariaga, founder and Chapter President, Sonny Alvarez Sensei, newly elected President of Filipino International Martial Arts Association (FIMAA) and Samuel Nacario Jr., acting Chairman of Migrant Association of Saudi Arabia (MASA), an umbrella chapter of MIGRANTE, a well-known Philippine community group tasked in assisting OFWs worlwide.
On top of the Agenda was the forthcoming martial arts event being organized by SSKI in colaboration with GBI and MASA on the 14th of March 2008 at the International Philippine School in Jeddah (IPSJ). As agreed upon by the group, the proceeds of the tournament will be for the benefit of distressed OFWs being temporarily housed at the Philippine Consulate General in Jeddah. As explained by Jun Loyola Sensei, this is not the first time that SSKI had organized such event for the benefit of those in need citing various project that SSKI had undergone namely; the financial assistance awarded to the family of a member who died while on vacation; donation extended to the beneficiaries of "Bantay Bata 163", a Philippine foundation primarily set-up to assist and extend financial assistance to deprived and under-privilaged Filipino children; and donation in kind given to run-away contract workers that took shelter at the Philippine Consulte General grounds. Aside from financial assistance that will obtained from generous and willing would-be sponsors, the group also discussed the distribution of "coin banks" to various Filipino community group to ask for their surplus coins that will somehow be significant once accumulated. A similar plan will be initiated and passed at the venue during the actual competition day.
Other SSKI officers and members present during the meeting were SSKI instructors; Senseis Ben Micu Jr., Joey Reyes, Steve Rivero, Sonny Dalloran, Ruben Cabigas & Vani Gasmenia and SSKI members; Jonathan Gastanez, Junard Hayag & GBI was likewise represented by Edison "Jedi" Cariaga, Eldemer "Tabak" Flores, Virgillo "Park" Preza, AB Julius Jose "Jo" Briagas & Vic Gacola while MASA had Samuel Nacario, Jr. and Teng Damiar as its representatives.
A final meeting to include participating club instructors is set on March 7, 2008 also at SSKI Xenel Chapter's gym.
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